A few years ago when I tried my friends bar of Goats Milk soap and started researching what actually was in our soap and other bath and body products little did I know at the time what turn my life would take. We are living the Homesteaders dream. We are already growing and producing the vast majority of our families food. Without the use of chemicals. Growing our Vegetables, raising Free range chicken, duck, Turkey and so on of eggs, Raw Honey from our hives, Making Cider from our Apples, canning, freezing and dehydrating all sorts of goodies. Not to mention all the Dairy stuff from our Goats Milk..all sorts of different cheese, yogurt, buttermilk for cooking...well you get the idea. I do clean without chemicals. I make my own cleaning & laundry stuff. So when I started really "reading labels" I have to admit I was reading words that I could not pronounce. That was really concerning to me. So I was snapping pics of ingredient labels of soaps and lotions and other gook we were putting all over our bodies. Once I started looking up what they were..HOLY MOLY! Had I have know..wow! Well at this point I got a bar of 'real' soap and it was a done deal. So then my next thoughts were..OK, I'm gonna learn to make my own soap..and I did. And I LOVED IT! It was a feeling I cannot hardly describe. Control of ingredients, The accomplishment of learning yet another skill, creative flow of colors, scents and design. Friends and family would come over and be like "what smells so good?" I was and am always ready to show off my newest creations. It was all about the soap. Then from there it was my gateway to creating my own goats milk lotions, Bath Bombs, Lip Balms, Sugar Scrubs, Bath Salts, Bath Melts, Herbal Salves, bubble balls, Body whip and so many other wonderful products. As I started making more and more product it was finally said "You seriously need to just start your own little home business". And so I did. I cannot walk thru a store without looking at something and thinking can I use that to make a mold for a Bath Bomb or soap! It's really quite entertaining at times. So I started doing craft shows and other gatherings to promote my little business. I feel so lucky every single day to be doing what I just simply LOVE to do and to be able to share it with everyone else. The hours alone I spend on researching different ingredients I want to use in my products surpasses any 40 hour a week job. Everything I sell has taken me months of learning, researching, testing on myself until I believe it's perfect. This job is defiantly NOT all glam. I am out there Milking my sweet girls to get that white gold. And cleaning stalls and sleeping on hay bales out in a dark, spooky barn all by myself self and it's like 10* helping them deliver their sweet little kids. It is hard work and dedication to something I love to do. Anything worth while in life is lots of hard work. And you will never, ever hear me complain. There are not many folks who can say they absolutely love their job, but I can. As I am writing this blog I have 3 batches of soap waiting for me to finish and some Jewel weed Salve too. That brings me to another great thing that has happened in my life. As many of you know I went thru a time where I wasn't feeling well at all. Dr's could not figure out what was wrong with me. All they want to do is give you pills to fix the symptoms but not the problem. Not good enough! I need to feel good without the use of medication. So I started going to a wonderful Holistic Dr...He is great! Made me feel so much better in just a couple visits. Well after a couple visits and a few great conversations he invited me onto his health Radio show. I was totally flattered by this. He is all about you feeling your best and thought we should cover all the bad stuff that is put in our Soaps and other Bath & body products. After all your skin is your largest organ and you really do need to keep it healthy. I have to admit I was super nervous but it went very well and I had a blast..and they've invited me back again for another show. How exciting my life has become! Maybe Oprah's next! You seriously need to listen to his show always a great wealth for information to make your life better..Anthony & Ron are super fun Radio hosts and extremely interesting to listen too..you can tell they really want to help you. I will be sharing a link so you can listen to the show..you won't be disappointed. Every morning when I wake up and go out to do my Farm chores then come back inside to work..I think to myself "I am one seriously lucky lady!"
Here's the link to the show http://247Thestream.mobapp.at/